Had to ditch the library's wind_speed reading method and adopting and merging into the code and adding up the wind_gust function from makes the anemometer with rain-bucket with the exact same setup fully functional.

The wind vane part (on analog pin A0) starts working only when I connect the I2C vcc pin to 5 volts pin instead of 3.3 volts pin of UNO. So what are the corrections I need to do in the SDL_Weather_80422 library or in the connection diagram in this case?Īccording to the above setup only rain bucket unit works.Īnd as jsotola mentioned both the anemometer and the rain bucket sensors are simple switches, so a simple sketch can be written that reads the switch state and light LED (pin13) if the switch is activated and turns off LED if switch is not activated and that can be done for each of the switches separately. When I connect the I2C vcc pin from grove-weather-board to UNO's 5 volts instead of 3.3 volts as shown, the wind direction gets fixed but still no wind-speed reading. Where the pinAnem and intAnem both indicates pin 2 for UNO according to the above two diagrams. #define intRain 1 // int 1 (not used in the diagram! Then why? Its a TX pin) European laws as well as unusual weather patterns make it obligatory for agricultural professionals to measure. #define intAnem 5 // int 0 (check for Uno), according to the above two diagrams' comparison, for UNO this pin also goes to the pin 2 Anemometer-thermometer-hygrometer, specially designed for professionnal use: agriculture, environment, expeditions, etc. #define pinRain 2 // Anenometer connected to pin 2 - Int 0 - Mega / Uno Pin 3 #define pinAnem 18 // Anenometer connected to pin 18 (not used in the diagram!) - Int 5 - Mega / Uno pin 2 I am assuming the pin-outs defined in the are messed up then but how to redefine it in the sketch/library because in the ino sketch file, these are the pin-out definitions for primarily Mega2560 #define pinLED 13 // LED connected to digital pin 13 I have tested the units individually up to the arduino pins with LED light on breadboard, they are sending signals/responding and also mounted the whole project on a Mega2560 as well but results remained unchanged. SwitchDoc Labs' anemometer kit (which is equivalent to sparkfun anemometer kit) connected to the grove weather-pi board with rtc clock DS3231 installed on which is connected to arduino UNO.Īccording to and their official tutorial, if I use grove weather-pi board's JP2 connections to connect to the UNO/Mega2560 board then it suggests as following (in my case its UNO)ĭiagram 2 GroveWeatherPi_board Mega Uno UnitsĪnd the supposedly working sketch/library is which only compiles on arduino-IDE without issue if I use the fork instead of the original with it but even then the wind-speed and wind-direction unit or to say the whole anemometer part just do not work or in other words, do not give any reading. I tried to build a weather station with anemometer and My setup is,