Alternatively, leave the file names as is and start a new character. Your gear will become cloth which you may use a forge to make light armor again. After installing and if continuing on same character, change the name of the two files in your Data folder to “Blades Hakama.esp” and “Blades Hakama.bsa” (remove the “ SE” part). (PC) Upgrading from original “Blades Hakama” mod on same character save: If you have ported original “Blades Hakama” by atomec then remove the content (including loose files) before installing this mod.

(Xbox) If using other mod “Blades Hakama UNP” mod then I recommend keeping it, or start a new character with this mod. These follower items will be marked by “(F)” after the name of the item. PC installation offers the choice of selecting a follower-specific body fit if you follower uses a different body shape than player character. On PC use your mod manager and select your options using the FOMod installer.

(optional) Bokken DS Models for Ecotone DS - BladesHakama_BokkenDSModels.7z (108 KB).(optional) CBBE 3BA (3BBB) BodySlide files - BladesHakamaCBBE3BA.7z (7 MB).(optional) CBBE BodySlide files for Blades Hakama - BladesHakamaSEBodySlide.7z (1.9 MB).main file Blades Hakama SE (v1.30 - 2018) - BladesHakamaSE.7z (53.8 MB).Find the gear in Sky Haven Temple, within a lost sack in Riverwood, or craft new gear at a forge. Train with a bokken (wood practice weapon). The yoroi (armored) hakama includes leather and steel chain inserted inside the cloth. The Blades carry a hakama for training, or to use as an alternative to their cumbruos (heavy armor). Adds Akaviri-themed clothing and light armor hakamas in multiple colors for Skyrim Special Edition, based on original design by atomec, author of “Blades Hakama” for original Skyrim (nexusmods).