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"I Still Call Australia Home" Qantas ad: mp3 Listen to online Daft Punk - TRON: Legacy (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), or download mp3 tracks: download here mp3 release album free and.Mahler - 1st Symphony, 1st mvt (piano solo arranged by Iain Farrington).Playlist of SWMM Conversations with Star Wars musicians:.1:29:27 - "I Still Call Australia Home.".1:15:13 - How does Iain balance his work as a composer, arranger, and performer?.1:02:23 - Xanthe's random, specific questions about the recording process (how many days? headphones? what was in his monitor mix? challenges?).51:07 - "Dryden's Long, Long Fight" (romantic piano solo during Han and Qi'ra's last scene together).41:14 - How does Iain approach recording piano with an orchestra vs.26:16 - "元 and the Millennium Falcon" - What it was like to play the Star Wars Main Theme on the celeste (when we meet the Millennium Falcon in the movie).23:11 - How did Iain "get the call" to do this gig?.

Listen to Josephs patch below, download it for yourself, then read on to find out how. 13:46 - Watching John Powell write the Elgarian Imperial March arrangement during lunch, then recording different versions. he worked alongside Daft Punk on the Tron: Legacy soundtrack.10:55 - When Ron Howard came to the sessions.04:08 - "Meet Han" (piano solo toward the beginning of the film).00:39 - Why was the Solo score recorded in London?.Flynn Lives - Tron: Legacy Soundtrack Extended. Uploaded by: Daft Punk Watch Video Download MP3 Download MP4. He also shares stories from the recording sessions and gives us insight into how he approaches different types of piano cues. The Son of Flynn (From TRON: Legacy/Score). Iain Farrington played piano and celeste for the Solo: A Star Wars Story soundtrack! In this episode, we listen to some of our favorite piano moments from the Solo soundtrack, and Iain talks about what it was like to record those cues.